Clymene (x5, one shown)
Giant Leopard Moth
Polyphemus, male
Regalis, male (x2)
Large Maple Spanworm
Red-Bordered Emerald
Spotted Datana (x4, two shown)
rare view of a Spotted Datana with wings unfurled
White-Dotted Prominent
Pink-Striped Oakworm Moth
Spiny Oakworm Moth (x4, two shown)
The Angel (uncommon, according to Covell)
Walnut Sphinx
Dot-Lined White
Andromeda Underwing
Epione Underwing
Ilia Underwing (x2)
(form "conspicua", notice the spots are solid white on this one)
Little Nymph (x2)
(form "gisela")