laying eggs...
video of Polyphemus laying eggs
Clymene (x2)
Neighbor (x3)
Red-Lined Panopoda
Giant Leopard Moth
Io, male
Luna, male (x2)
Common Lytrosis
Lesser Grapevine Looper (x2)
Curve-Toothed Geometer
Lesser Maple Spanworm and Curve-Toothed Geometer
Lesser Maple Spanworm Moths, extremely abundant!
Oak Beauty (x2)
Red-Bordered Emerald
Green Leuconycta
Spotted Datana (x2)
Oblique Heterocampa
Rosy Maple
Spiny Oakworm Moth, male (x2)
Plebian Sphinx
Dot-Lined White
Sharp-Lined Tussock Moth
Walnut Sphinx
Walnut Sphinx and Andromeda Underwing
Dejected Underwing (x2)
Epione Underwing (x3)
Ilia Underwing
Little Nymph (x5)
Obscure Underwing
Ultronia Underwing
tiny moth flight patterns, mostly Lesser Maple Spanworm moths
a little Grapevine Beetle
an enormous beetle that made friends with tim
video of the huge beetle